
Hero And Leander Interpretation

Decent Essays

D. Interpretation
Christopher Marlowe’s narrative poem which is entitled Hero and Leander basically is a romantic and tragic poem. Both Ovid and the grammarian-poet Musaeus are sources for Marlowe's story. Leander and Hero are lovers separated by the ill-famed Hellespont (now the Dardanelles). As the title, the poem tells the readers about Hero and Leander in 818 lines total. Christopher Marlowe described both the characters detail about their appearance within the poem, their physical appearance such as how handsome Leander is and how beautiful Hero is, those are written in the beginning of the poem.
If we see further, at the very first beginning of the poem, Marlowe shows the influence of Greek mythological in his narrative poem. It is because …show more content…

The proof of this homosexuality is in the description of Leander's back--"That heavenly path with many a curious dint" (1.1. 68). A male physique so sensually described is "unique" enough, but to concentrate particularly on the beauties of a back bone must be «tirst instance in English literature. In one side, it might be well, however this convention of the allure of young men have for other men is evident in the original story, which is not invented Marlowe. The description about Leander within the poem is a full forty lines (including his attractiveness) compare to the description of Hero which is forty five (her description is as much about her dress as her person). We might easily to see that Marlowe has been putting his own feelings into the …show more content…

In this poem, the special event is on the looks in the eyes of the lovers, the words they speak to each other, and the embraces they attempt to do. The realistic touches (such as Leander attempting, by sophistry, to convince Hero to sleep with him) are charming, and remind the reader that these two are not simply iconic lovers from the distant past. Hero and Leander are compelling because their reactions (even the less-than-truthful words of Hero, as she attempts to hold off Leander) are innocent and based on universal human emotions. Marlowe took a story from Greek myths intact, but made the characters believable for the audiences during the Elizabethan

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