
We Wear The Masks Poem

Decent Essays

Switchfoot once sang, “This is your life, are you who you want to be? This is your life, is it everything you dreamed that it would be?” Every day we make decisions that affect us and everyone around us. Sometimes the decisions we make are influenced by the people around us. There are influences that we see and some that are perpetuated on our thinking. The poems convey the importance of being true to oneself regardless of others opinions.
Everyone you meet is not necessarily who you think they are. Many hide their fears and aspirations just like the speaker in “We Wear the Masks”. This poem was written in 1896. Its focal point was the African American race having to hide their real feelings about slavery, and the white man; with fear of retaliation. The concealed pain and suffering that they as a culture endured then is still felt today. However, this poem is very pertinent to the lives of many today. There are groups out there purposely dividing the citizens of today. This poem stands true with every race, not just the African Americans it was written about.
The poem IF; describes the perfect man. A man that if he follows the right path and keeps his head about him will be all that society approves of. The poem describes situations and the reader is to confront them; right or wrong, good or bad to become the type of person that society deems appropriate. The poem advises the person to be honest and patient when faced with resistance and lured into temptation. That in

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