
Analysis Of The Prince By Machiavelli

Decent Essays

Everyone may not have the same opinion on what qualities a person should have to rule a government. Some people may believe that a leader is supposed to be nice and caring. Others may think that a leader should be strict and bold. Niccolo Machiavelli thought that a good ruler should be feared rather than loved. Machiavelli thought that stability and power were the only qualities that mattered in the evaluation of governments, but being courageous, intelligent, and decisive are some other qualities that matter too.
The first quality a ruler should have is courage. In the book, The Prince, Machiavelli says, “But granted a prince who has established himself as above, who can command, and is a man of courage, undismayed in adversity, who does …show more content…

Farshad Asl said, “Decisiveness is the number one quality of a dynamic leader; his ability to communicate a decision with passion and integrity is an art form.” Farshad Al thought differently than Machiavelli. He thought decisiveness was the number one quality for a ruler to have. They should be able to make a decision because they have passion and integrity. Farshad also said, “There is a big difference between motion and action. Just because you get out of bed doesn't mean you are making progress. Taking action requires decisiveness, dedication, and clear direction.” This quote is explaining that in a government for something to happen you have to be decisive. Dedication and clear direction can go into being decisive. Being decisive is a very important quality a leader should have because you can’t have someone at the head of a government who can’t decide on things. They should be leading the government and not have the people lead them. Being courageous, intelligent, and decisive are some other qualities a ruler needs. It is important that stability and power aren’t the only qualities that a ruler has. A ruler should be feared and not loved. As Scott Smigler said, “A true leader is hated by most, and respected by all. A follower is liked by all, and respected by

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