
Leadership Task 2.1

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Task 2.1 the skills and attributes needed for leadership

Leadership can been described as a process of social influence in which a person can enlist the aid and support of others in the
Accomplishment of a common task. Leadership is having a vision, sharing that vision and inspiring others to support your vision while creating their own. Effective leadership is providing the motivation to a team so they work towards the goal, and understanding the talents and temperaments of each individual and motivating each person to contribute individually their best toward achieving the group goal.

Good leaders have a passion for the work they do and feel it is important. Sharing that passion and enthusiasm with employees can help to motivate employees to become more productive. Praising …show more content…

Understanding the scope of the work your employees handle, the concerns of your supervisors, financial constraints and any other relevant factors will enable you to make fast decisions.

A leader must have a strong personality. Strength of personality does not mean violence, roughness or stubbornness. It is strength of character, sticking to moral values and attitudes at all times, and avoiding whatever is immoral even if it is expedient and is attractive. A leader must be brave. In times of danger followers will be firm if their leader is firm.

Drive, Energy, And Self-Motivation:
The most important trait of successful leaders is drive which includes a strong desire for achievement, high ambition, high energy levels, tenacity and initiative. Drive combined with high motivation; honesty, integrity, self-confidence, emotional stability, and intelligence distinguish leaders from non-leaders. Successful leaders have a high level of motivation to lead. They want to make a change, to improve, to influence, to exercise power for achieving definite goals.

Planning And

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