Task 2.1 the skills and attributes needed for leadership
Leadership can been described as a process of social influence in which a person can enlist the aid and support of others in the
Accomplishment of a common task. Leadership is having a vision, sharing that vision and inspiring others to support your vision while creating their own. Effective leadership is providing the motivation to a team so they work towards the goal, and understanding the talents and temperaments of each individual and motivating each person to contribute individually their best toward achieving the group goal.
Good leaders have a passion for the work they do and feel it is important. Sharing that passion and enthusiasm with employees can help to motivate employees to become more productive. Praising
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Understanding the scope of the work your employees handle, the concerns of your supervisors, financial constraints and any other relevant factors will enable you to make fast decisions.
A leader must have a strong personality. Strength of personality does not mean violence, roughness or stubbornness. It is strength of character, sticking to moral values and attitudes at all times, and avoiding whatever is immoral even if it is expedient and is attractive. A leader must be brave. In times of danger followers will be firm if their leader is firm.
Drive, Energy, And Self-Motivation:
The most important trait of successful leaders is drive which includes a strong desire for achievement, high ambition, high energy levels, tenacity and initiative. Drive combined with high motivation; honesty, integrity, self-confidence, emotional stability, and intelligence distinguish leaders from non-leaders. Successful leaders have a high level of motivation to lead. They want to make a change, to improve, to influence, to exercise power for achieving definite goals.
Planning And
“Leadership is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the
In today’s society, there are some people who possesses the qualities of outstanding leadership. Also, in today’s society, there are some people who keep qualities of a poor leader. A good leader is someone who reads and understands their own emotions and recognize the impact on themselves and others. Another thing great leaders do is think and act with optimism, by looking at the positives and not so much on the negatives. Another great strength a good leader has is that he or she knows the strengths and limits of the certain people on their team (Hewertson). Furthermore, a great leader leads by example, set achievable goals, assigns tasks within someone’s strengths, gets the right people on board,
In this world, there are many types of people and personalities. The personality trait in question is a leadership. From group leaders to CEOs to presidents, leaders are around us. However, what makes one a leader? Well, a leader needs to possess the characteristics of cooperation, problem solving, integrity, confident, and the list goes on. A leader also needs to live up to any mistakes and learn from them instead of pushing it off or blaming someone else. A leader needs to not take bias, but instead be fair and look at the big picture. I have many of these traits in leadership.
Complete Name: Complete 1 Student Name: Burris, Helen Ruth ********************************************************************************************************** 1. This course is designed to help you grow as a leader. The first step is to determine your effectiveness as a leader. Complete Exercise 4-1 “Leadership Assessment” and take note of the scoring and interpretation. Keep in mind that for this and all other units, I will consider your decision-making on what you include and how you communicate your response as part of your final grade.
A good leader understands himself or herself. He or she must have a clear goal that others are able to see and understand. A good leader must be reliable and motivated so that he or she can lead others. A good attitude is also very important for effective leadership. A leader with a good attitude can make a difference in their workplace, among colleagues and improve the environment.
(2016). p.33). There are many traits that a leader must have to be able to be successful. Three that come to mind are trustworthy or honest, motivated, and knowledgeable. Ever leader needs to be honest and have the trust of those who are following them. This is essential for any plan or idea to be carried out steadily. Also, open communication cannot happen if one does not trust their leader. Next, a leader must be motivated and have energy. If a leader is not motivated, those who are following them are also not going to be motivated either. Someone has to be able to push others to keep up the hard work to get to where they need to be. Lastly, a leader needs to be knowledgeable. At work, often when faced with something that I do not know the answer to, I go to my charge nurse who is very knowledgeable on almost all situations that may arise. If lacking any vital knowledge, staff under that leader will not have anyone to go to in times of need. This leads to the follower being lost and not knowing what the next step is in their situation. All of these traits are what I like to see in a leader in my work
There are a number of traits necessary for being an effective leader. A good leader must be flexible and work well with others even if they do not agree with them. Also, leaders need to know how to convince people to work with each other. Negotiation is another key attribute of a good leader. A leader should also be able to come to a reasonable agreement that is mutually beneficial to all the parties.
Leaders are one of the most imperative people in our society. They have multiple traits many people don’t have. Three of the most important traits leaders must have are confidence, humility, and trustworthiness. Without these traits, leaders would not be able to show others the way to success.
There are some people who just have the drive to be better than others. Many qualities make up a good leader but a certain few stick out to me. A good leader should have a lot of courage to start with, they should be inspiring to other people,finally they should be good business people and give a lot to others.
Leadership, in its broadest sense, is the process using social influence to enlist the support of other people in completing a common task or achieving a collective goal. Common conceptions about organisational leadership focus on the image of charismatic individuals inspiring their subordinates with their own passion and zeal for a vision. This popular image is taken as the standard for effective leadership style and a measure of future organisational success.
Leadership can be defined as the process of influencing people to direct their efforts toward the achievement of some particular goal or goals (Hodgetts, 2002)
Effective leaders provide motivation, guidance, create confidence, and create work environments that effective and efficient. Effective leaders research, plan, and implement tools that will benefit the team and ultimately, the organization as whole.
Effective leadership is an art and it is a personal role that needs the combination of motivational, strategic and challenging skills to strengthen the focus, energy and creating a culture that encourages individuals thinking and achievement. Leadership is about persuading ideas and thoughts, assigning responsibility and unlocking hidden potentials and cravings to bring out the best output of others.
Domain; which means that people are able to take responsibility, energy; referring to the ability to drive and tenacity in terms of the group 's goals, confidence in themselves; confident in their abilities, able to take control, stability; referring to the ability to control their emotions, they can identify when lead and when to follow, understand their weaknesses and strengths, integrity; basically referring to ethics and honesty, intelligence; basically problem solving and decision making, flexibility ; which is the ability to fit various situations and sensitivity; especially with members of his team.
Leadership is imperative for many organizations. However, not every individual has a need for a leader in order to play a role within the organization, so being able to discern when and where to lead is important if one is to lead. A leader must know a groups’ needs, each individuals’ needs, be able to think forward in order to create long term strategies and tactics, and above all else, create vision and meaning within an organization so that others can follow with a purpose. Furthermore, a leader must be able to make the difficult decisions that others are not able make, especially in uncertain situations. Traits associated with leadership are ambition, desire to lead, self-confidence, intelligence and an outgoing personality. There are