
Analysis Of The Ted TalkHow America's Public Schools Keep Kids In Poverty

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In the Ted Talk “How America’s public schools keep kids in poverty,” by Kandice Sumner she uses her personal experience to show frustration with the education system and how it’s racist or biased against blacks and browns. Throughout her whole speech, she talks about educational systems and her kids and how segregation is becoming a thing in schools.
She a starts off by saying that her kids are the best then she states the following “However, because their "real" parents aren't rich and, I argue, because they are mostly of color, they will seldom get to see in themselves the awesomeness that I see in them.” (Sumner, 2016). Here Kandice makes the point that color students won't see their full potential like she does. Then she keeps on going saying that she lived in a family that wasn’t wealthy so her neighborhood wasn’t wealthy, so her school wasn’t necessarily the best; however that didn’t stop her from going to school she would take an hour long bus ride to get a better education. She thought everyone had a life like her but she didn’t notice this until she was older how she had access to certain things her kids didn’t or her friends from her neighborhood didn’t. Then she asks the following “Why is a high-quality education only exclusive to the rich?” (Sumner, 2016) This question is pretty easy to answer. Education is exclusive to rich people because they have money and their parents have connections or know other important or rich people which can help them out. This

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