
Analysis Of Thomas Andrew Drake 's A Man Who Was A Former Senior Executive Of U.s. Nsa

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Introduction: Thomas Andrew Drake, a man who was a former senior executive of U.S. NSA (National Security Agency), a decorated United States Air Force And Navy veteran and a whistleblower. In 2010, Thomas Andrew Drake was alleged with mishandling of documents, rarest of the Espionage act in the history of United States. Defenders of Drake claim that he was instead being prosecuted for challenging the trailblazer project. In 2001, exactly on the day of 9/11 he was appointed as the Signals Intelligence Directorate in Fort Meade, Maryland when he joined the NSA as a full-time employee. He later progressed to higher levels in the organization to a level where he held a top security clearance. During the investigation which was dwelled into the 9/11 by congress, he was testified NSA failure. In 2011, he was awarded Ridenhour Prize for TruthTelling and was co-recipient of Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence (SAAII) award. As we progress into this paper, we will discuss various stages of this crime such as what were his actions in NSA, NSA inquiry and acknowledgement, Inevitable Whistleblowing, FBI raids, Indictment, Court proceedings, Government arguments, final disposition, what happened since 2012. In this paper we will also discuss the Espionage act and Whistleblowing, what is a part of the McCarran Internal Security Act and what was the Nation Defense information, classified information which was mishandled by Thomas Andrew Drake.

Espionage Act and

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