
Analysis Of Thoreau's Life Without Principle

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Thoreau’s “Life Without Principle” in Comparison to Modern Culture Henry David Thoreau wrote Life Without Principle in 1863, a hundred and fifty years before our current times. With all the changes that have come about with the recent Age of Information it could be surprising just how much an essay written disputing capitalist, working society could be applicable today. The way we work and live has not changed from that which Thoreau argued against in the 1800s, with the exception of a few rebellious factions and peoples of society. Many of his ideas and notions about society still hold true today. “What an infinite bustle! I am awaked almost every night by the panting of the locomotive”, is the first line of one of the first paragraphs …show more content…

“I noticed one of my neighbors walking beside his team, which was slowly drawing a heavy hewn stone swung under the axle, surrounded by an atmosphere of industry- his day's work begun”. (Thoreau, p. 6) The job this man performs seems absurd, to spend a whole day working and not actually accomplish something of value or merit seems to be a waste of time, but it is not outlandish in modern times. There is a high probability that it is even more common place today. Many have job titles such as; interior decorator, landscaper, and interior designer, who do nothing more than change the cosmetic look of an area, not to please themselves, rather, after the job is finished it is likely they will never return to the sight, but only for pay. HGTV is rife with shows, each of which employ their own set of producers, cameramen, interns, and all the other workers required for a ‘proper’ tv. show. These workers film someone doing one of these near useless jobs, not because it is something they wish to film, but because they must work for money. While he was being a bit dramatic it is easy to agree with Thoreau when we says “the sun was made to light worthier toil than this” when you consider that all that previously mentioned work was done to produce mediocre entertainment which does not in-light passion or emotions in a viewer as Shakespeare might, or teach as a documentary can, or even give a good story, or thriller, or mystery, as a drama would, it

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