
Analysis Of Transcanada 's Proposal Of The Keystone Xl Pipeline Essay

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This paper explores TransCanada’s proposal of the Keystone XL Pipeline. I will analyze the past problems which resulted in its defeat, along with possible solutions for future implementation. The case study is split in to three main parts: the identification of past issues, an examination of action plans and lastly, recommendations for upcoming development.
Identification of Issues

The Keystone XL Pipeline fight involved large economic and political issues. Some of the major issues included: Canada’s development of its oil sand resources, U.S. energy security, the American oil refining business, oil and gasoline prices in the United States, the environmental health of Nebraska’s Sandhills region, the Ogallala Aquifer and most significantly, global climate change. The divide between parties for and against the proposed pipeline was significant. There was a large group of national trade and energy groups vigorously supporting the construction of the Keystone XL, some of which included the American Petroleum Institute, the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers, the American Iron and Steel Institute, the National Association of Manufacturers, the Business Roundtable, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The point is that many large-scale companies were behind TransCanada in the fight for the pipeline to go through, with two main factors in mind: energy security and jobs.
1.1 Energy Security and Job Creation Energy security is an issue the United

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