
Analysis Of We Are The Ants By Shaun David Hutchinson

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We Are the Ants, by Shaun David Hutchinson, plunges readers into the world of Henry Denton, a teenager plagued by a hideous reputation as “Space Boy” due to continued alien abductions. Henry, an average teen except for this one fact, endures name-calling, bullying, a physical attack and more, as he tries to survive in the daily grind at Calypso High School. As the story unfolds, readers learn that Henry has lost his boyfriend, Jesse, to suicide, has an extremely complicated and dysfunctional home life, is having a secret affair with his most vengeful bully, and has had the fate of the world placed in his hands. The aliens, that Henry calls sluggers, have revealed that the world will end on January 29, 2016, and he has the power to stop it by simply pushing a button. Condemned to daily suffering, will Henry save the world? …show more content…

From a bullying brother, Charlie, to a Nana with Alzheimer’s, Henry finds little support and solace on the home front. Henry reconnects with Audrey Dorn, his best friend from when Jesse was alive and finds comfort from their mutual loss. A new arrival in Henry’s life, Diego Vega, a transfer student new to Calypso, provides Henry a needed friend and confidant. A quirky science teacher, Ms. Faraci, continually encourages Henry to keep his grades up and things do get better after high

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