
Analysis Of Willa Cather 's ' Paul 's Case '

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Paul 's Case was and still is one of Willa Cather 's best stories which reflects the point of view of an underprivileged young man in the old Pittsburg of the 1900s. Willa describes the main character Paul as an overwhelming mystery that no one seems to understand or accept. . Paul 's Case is the source of several different themes such as the dangers of misusing money and the addictiveness of art. The theme least analyzed in Cather 's short’s is the homosexual nature of the main character which explains the rejection and alienation from society that Paul presents in the story. Homosexuality has been controversial and strongly debated topic since the 19th. Today in the 21st-century Homosexuality is still around and is accepted by society more than ever before, although, there are still cases of discrimination. Daniel Ashley Pierce from Atlanta, Georgia was a victim of discrimination due to his sexual orientations. The theme of homosexuality in Willa Cather 's short story "Paul 's Case" can be compared to this specific event relating the social, family and personal issues that these two characters present. Society has always been a big conflict for homosexuals. The society of the late 1900s was a lot more reserved and close-minded that the one today; for Paul and even Willa Cather herself this was an issue. Cather created certain scenarios in which society just does not seem to be on Paul 's side specifically because of his sexual orientation. At school, Paul is harassed by

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