
Analysis: The Hugo Chavez Bolivarian Revolution

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Bolivarian Revolution - Chavez chose this name because it largely relied on the support of the population. In 2000, Chavez has created an alliance called - the Bolivarian Circles (Los círculos) - decentralization character, organized in neighborhoods for effective collaboration between people. In terms of time period we can delimit a Bolivarian Revolution between 1999-2012. Bolivarian Revolution as a radical-socialist project, however is the product of a later, usually dating to the of 2005-2006.
Given the vast mineral resources, Venezuela has chosen to not go a classical way of capitalism, but through the so-called. 21st century socialism. A key role on the path to socialism in the 21st century has to be democratic and participatory communication. …show more content…

Towards the end of 2005, President Hugo Chavez, characterized the socialism of the 21st century as the only alternative capable of contributing to the necessary overcoming of capitalism. Chavez helped to promote the power and activities of the working class and its allies as agents of social change. The biggest entering to socialism was seen in 2005/6. With a Chavez's presidency have been expanded and strengthened participatory option, structures of Committees.The idea of participation was officially defined in terms of people's power, revolutionary democracy and socialism. Government strategies led by Chavez was able to use the material power for removing and breaking the capitalist state. In case some significant governmental project or proposal the government organizes public dialogue, mass communication with mass public …show more content…

Bolivarian process consists in understanding social transformation as shaped from two directions - the "top" and "bottom". This process is different from the traditional Leninist or social democratic approach, which sees the state as the central driving force of change. The transformation in Venezuela is the result of tensions between the two kinds of power: "constituent power" and "constituted power". The major player of changes is a voter. Constituent power is legitimate, joint and creative abilities of human beings to be implemented within the movement and organized social base. In a Bolivarian process constitutional power is a state and its institutions, whitch intended to facilitate the bottom-up processes. Thus setting the condition persists even after Chavez's

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