
Analysis: What To Consider Before Suing For Medical Malpractice

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What To Consider Before Suing For Medical Malpractice Although it's not pleasant to think about, medical professionals are only human, so mistakes are bound to happen. Your nurse may be working a double shift, be very tired, and make a mistake that causes you injury, or your doctor may miscalculate a medication dosage. Mistakes happen occasionally in a busy hospital, but the bad part is medical mistakes can cause serious harm. If you suspect a nurse, doctor, or other healthcare worker acted in a way that made your condition worse, you should talk to a medical malpractice lawyer about the following points. Determine If You Have A Case Unless you are a medical professional yourself, you probably aren't sure if your healthcare team did something wrong or were negligent. Simply being unhappy with the outcome or disgruntled with the way you were treated is not enough cause for a lawsuit. You'll have to prove an accidental or deliberate mistake was made or your treatment was neglected or delayed. Sometimes this is very easy to determine, such as if you go to surgery for an amputation of your left leg and the doctor removes the right leg by mistake. …show more content…

A clear cut case may be settled out of court while one that is less clear may have to go to trial and be settled by a jury. Medical malpractice lawyers work with a team of doctors and nurses that review your medical records and determine if there is cause to proceed with a

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