
Analysis of Article I´d Sell YOu Sucide: Pop Music and Moral Panic in the Age of Marilyn Manson by Robert Wright

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Now a days, we are used to shocking lyrics and eye catching looks. It seems that every artist now is fighting to be so different that everyone is drawn to them. It was not always like this. In the late nineties and early two-thousands, most artists tried to fit in with the other blonde, processed pop stars that the industry was spitting out. When there was an artist who was not always happy and did sing about PG rated topics, they were blamed for what was wrong with the world, especially teenagers. In his article ‘I’d Sell You Suicide: Pop Music and Moral Panic in the Age of Marilyn Manson”, Robert Wright delves into and debunks claims that rock music, especially that of Marilyn Manson, is a main cause for teenage suicide.
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Manson talked about hate, sadness, God, and suicide/self loathing. Parents were not ready to deal with the reality that their teenagers felt this way. This brings us to the second meaning of the phrase which is how it alludes to how the times were changing. Manson ushered in entertainers who adopted outrageous looks and scandalous lyrics to stand out and gain fame. Parents were not ready for new pop music which emphasized parting and sex. All together the title means that America blamed Marilyn Manson for the popularization of suicide and for the lives of the adolescents who did commit suicide. The title explains what the author will be discussing and shows that it a very complex issue. It is not just about Manson’s outrageous look or up front lyrics that were not censored. It is a mixture of both these things and others. The title gets us ready for an intelligent and complex argument. In the article Robert Wright explores the claim that music can cause a person to commit suicide or provide an opportunity for the copycat syndrome, which is when teenagers imitate the suicides of other. Tragedies like Columbine, Colorado have influenced people to blame rock music for teenage suicides. Wright proves that there can is no strong connection between music and suicide. Common factors that lead to suicide are mobility among families, pressure to get involved in sexual relationships they may not be able to handle, pressure to be straight, and an inability

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