
Analysis of German philosopher Martin Heidegger's concept Being-in-the-World

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In this short paper, I will try to explain German philosopher Martin Heidegger's concept Being-in-the-World in his major work Being and Time (Ger. Sein und Zeit). However, first of all, in order to get his point of view about Being-in-the-World and phenomenological tradition in philosophy, it seems necessary to me that to be familiar with his philosophy's general structure. In daily language, people often mention the word 'Being' in different situations. But, usually, by Being they mean being. But what is Being? Is it a totality of beings or a method that can be used to understand beings? However, since Being is not a being, it is not possible to understand beings by using Being. Furthermore, because of the fact that Being is not a …show more content…

This was an objection to the philosophers who say human mind is the center of everything. To Heidegger, human being is not able to know everything through his/her conciousness. Things can only be known within their relationship with Being. In order to get the concept of Dasein properly, in every passage which is about Dasein, being-there, the clarity to Being and human life should be thought together. The essence of Dasein can be found in its existence and Dasein always exists as its own possibility (Ger. Möglichkeit, A. Gree. Δύναμις). In his uncompleted major work Being and Time's first chapter, Heidegger struggles with Dasein's fundemental constitution: 'Being-in-the-World'. Dasein always explores in-the-World. By world Heidegger does not mean the universe but a totality of connections and links. Dasein always explores that connections and links, itself and the world. By doing that, Dasein stands a chance to exist genuinely and for Dasein to be genuine means to be explorer (Eng. Disclosure, Ger. Erschlossenheit). Being genuine is a characteristic of human being. Truth in Anciet Greek, aletheia, means unfolded (a-letheia). As long as Dasein explore things in the world by unfolding them, it can be genuine. The a priori obligatory constitution of Dasein, Being-in-the-World, substantially is care or concern (Ger. Sorge). In Heideggerian conception, Sorge

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