
Analysis of Robert Frost's Mending Wall Essay

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Robert Frost’s Mending Wall

In his poem 'Mending Wall', Robert Frost presents to us the thoughts of barriers linking people, communication, friendship and the sense of security people gain from barriers. His messages are conveyed using poetic techniques such as imagery, structure and humor, revealing a complex side of the poem as well as achieving an overall light-hearted effect. Robert Frost has cleverly intertwined both a literal and metaphoric meaning into the poem, using the mending of a tangible wall as a symbolic representation of the barriers that separate the neighbors in their friendship. “Mending Wall” is about two neighbors who disagree over the need of a wall to separate their properties. Not only does the wall act as a …show more content…

The use of conversation and the thoughts of the narrator reflect the poet's own thoughts. In line thirty to line thirty-five, the narrator questions the purpose of a wall. He has an open disposition and does not understand the need to “wall in” or “wall out” (line 33) anything or anyone. Imagery is one of the poetic techniques that Robert Frost uses in ‘Mending Wall’ to convey his ideas. In the first eleven lines of the poem, Frost uses imagery to describe the degradation of the wall, creating a visual image for the reader. The sentence structure of the first line in the poem places emphasis on “something”. This, compound with the use of personification, makes “something” appear alive and even human-like. Animate qualities have been given to
“something” through the use of the words “love”, “sends”, “spills”, and “makes gaps” (lines 1-4), illustrating a vivid impression of the degradation of the wall. Nature, in the form of cold weather, frost and the activities of small creatures, gradually destroys the wall. The narrator seems to believe that walls are unnatural and suggests that nature dislikes walls. This is portrayed through the phrase “sends the frozen ground swell under it” (line 2). The poem describes nature-making holes in the wall large enough that “even two can pass abreast” (line 4). Literally, this refers to the size of the holes. However, it may also be interpreted that

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