
Analytical Essay On Night By Elie Wiesel

Decent Essays

“I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” (Elie Wiesel) The book Night by Elie Wiesel tells his story of trying to survive in a concentration camp during the holocaust. Family is an important part of the story because it shows us that family can be what keeps some people alive, family becomes important when things get rough, and that once you lose your humanity family means nothing.

First and foremost, family is important when things get rough. In the beginning of the book the Nazis were rounding up Jews in the Ghettos. The families in the Ghettos did their best to stick together but some families were broken apart. When Elie and his father get to the concentration camp they do their best to stay together. Elie says he’s 18 and his dad says that he is 40. It keeps them alive and together. Elie does everything he can to keep his dad going. He makes sure he keeps walking and that he stays awake. He takes beatings for his dad, and he even tried to keep him alive when …show more content…

Elie stayed strong by trying to keep his father alive. Elie did anything for his dad while they were in the concentration camps. They weren’t as close before all the bad things happened but they knew they were in danger and became closer. Elie stayed with his father until basically the very end. He went to great heights trying to keep him going which essentially helped himself in the long run. He made sure his father was walking, and when they stopped to rest in the snow Elie made sure he would not fall asleep. Elie even tried to keep his dad going when he was very sick. He gave his soup to his dad even though he needed it more. Trying to keep his dad alive mad them grow a stronger bond and helps his dad want to

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