
Analyze The Reasons For The Missouri Compromise

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In 1819, the territory of Missouri requested to become a state in America. It was one of the first new states that was bought by the Louisiana Purchase. By 1820, Missouri wanted to become a slave state and this would cause an unbalance between the Slave states and the Free states. Henry Clay offered the Missouri compromise and while Missouri wanted to be a slave state, Maine also desire to become a free state. An imaginary line along the 36o latitude would be created. This would separate the slave states (below the imaginary line) and the free states (above the imaginary line). However, congress limited the Missouri compromise to applied only to the land acquired by the Louisiana Purchase. This led to the Mexican War and America gained new territories in the West. This ruined the Missouri Compromise and led to new conflicts between the North and South in the future. One of the reasons for the Missouri compromise was to maintain a balance between the slave states and the free states. In order to become a slave state, there has to be a state that wants to be a free state so that it’s even. The pro-slavery states were in the South and the anti-slavery were in the North and the Missouri compromise would keep those states evenly numbered. There would also be an …show more content…

Slavery was allowed for a long period of time because of this compromise and it was very horrible for the slaves in the South. In the South, they allowed slavery and the North did not allow it and soon later the civil war will start. The other consequence of the Missouri compromise was that it led to the Civil war. Even though it delayed the civil war, but it was one of the consequences of the Missouri compromise. The South fought for states rights to withdrawal from the union and the North fought for the union to preserve for the United States. The North did not want to South to withdrawal and still allow

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