
Analyzing Characters In Science Fiction

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To be human is to be different from the other animals living on the planet. The question arises about where the line between a 'human' being and a 'non-human' exists. People around the world have different answers and point of views regarding this question. In this essay I hope to layout that characteristics that define a human and apply them to the Science Fiction examples.
Through my research have decided to focus 8 characteristics that can be used to determine if something is human. The characteristics I have selected include; the ability to express complex emotions, morality, the use of sophisticated communication, having a self-concept, Anatomy, complex intelligence, imagination, and human DNA. In each category, various nonhuman species are competent, but human ability surpasses animals with strengths greater in each domain. Having at least 7 out of the 8 I argue can be considered human. I am going to use these aspects to analyze characters in Science fiction films such as; Splice, The Fly, Rise of the Planet Apes, and literature such as Frankenstein, and Racheal in Love. Below I describe each of the features in relation to the characters in question.
The first characteristic I will describe is complex intelligence. Psychologically, humans have “highly developed …show more content…

This controversy is seen in the story Racheal in Love. In this story, Rachel has the mind of a teenage girl, but the body of a young chimp. At times she gets flashes from her past life as a chimp or as a young girl and often feels out of place. Racheal’s human body is gone and her brain is mapped into that of a chimp. Rachel is not complete, she is in two different places, and being this way things will never be the same as they were before, Racheal is no

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