
Analyzing The Levels Of Competition Within An Industry

Better Essays

Market size = ~ student population in Maharagama


Through analysing and assessing competition, it is decided to avoid, rather than attack. This will be done through the ‘Product differentiation and development’ approach. This will be done by developingthe existing product of English language and teaching it in a user friendly manner to second language learners making sessions interactive and interesting.

Through benchmarking all that was identified was normal English language centres while the few ESOL centres were not within the target market, therefore it is decided to implement a Blue Ocean Strategy (as mentioned previously) to be the only one of its kind in the area.

Porter’s five forces analysis
Porter …show more content…

The only competitor identified is a tie up company with the British Council and targets only the lower end of the market. The competitive advantage ‘English WalkwayJ’. has over this competitor is the USPs it offers which is mentioned within.

My segment is niche markets of average to upper class parents, who have a requirement of helping their children to gain a globally recognised certificate. ‘Spending more study hours in the practical use of English to obtaining a better education at a higher price’ would be the focus of ‘English WalkwayJ’.

7.7. Unique Selling Proposition / Point (USP)
My USP covers the following:
• Different levels of study for young children to young adults and parents.
• Since it is a registered Cambridge Assessment Centre, exams will be conducted within the premises.
• The four skills of writing, listening, reading and speaking will be done according to Cambridge structure using its assigned resources.
• Concept of ‘Special Batches’ for students who work well.
• A Limit of 15 students per batch.
• Daily Homework club
• Monthly assessment test.
• Speech and drama sessions to improve public speaking.
• Adult classes in the morning for parents.
• A canteen, library &computer room.
• ‘English WalkwayJ’ will provide certificates for ‘best student of the batch’ and ‘high achiever’.
• The name of the tutoring centre

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