
Analyzing The Poem 'Bitch'

Satisfactory Essays

I believe this is a poem about the speaker’s interaction with a past lover. In the first 15 lines in this poem she is using the word “Bitch”, to represent her internal feelings towards her past lover. The imagery is very vivid in this poem. She uses very descriptive phrases like; “Bark hysterically,” and “Slobbers and grovels,” in order to convey about her inner bitch. In lines 19-27 she gives a vivid picture of this rocky relationship she had with this man. She then uses the bitch, devoted and loyal, as a metaphor for the feelings she had for the man. It is inferred that she behaved as a loyal loved puppy and this man neglected her. For instance, lines 20-21, “How she would lay at his feet and looked up adoringly/though he was absorbed in

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