
Ancient Egyptian Civilization

Decent Essays

Ancient Egypt was a civilization because it had most, if not all the seven indicators of a complex society. The Ancient Egyptian Government was ruled first and foremost by the pharaoh. The pharaoh was the supreme leader not just of government, but additionally of the religion. Nevertheless, the pharaoh couldn't run all of the government just himself, so he had a hierarchy of rulers and leaders beneath him who ran different aspects of the government. The primary leader of the government below the pharaoh was the vizier. The vizier was the chief overseer of the land, sort of like a prime minister. Subordinate the vizier were local governors called nomarchs. Nomarks ruled over an area of land called a nome. In ancient Egypt the average person had no say in government. When punishment was carried out, often the whole family of the guilty was punished as well. Egyptian law was based on a common sense of right and wrong, following the codes based on the concept of Ma'at. For example when individuals were sentenced to exile, their children are automatically outlawed along with them. If a relative deserted from military service, or lacked on the labor demands of the state, the entire family might be imprisoned. The people of ancient Egypt made their religion based on gods and goddesses and the powers that they had. They had a deep belief in the supernatural and that their lives were controlled by their deities. In old Egypt there were two kingdoms called lower and

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