
Ancient Egyptian Life

Decent Essays

Unlike the secular government that we have today, ancient Egypt intertwined religion with politics, creating a vast network of gods that ruled over specific parts of Egyptian life. There were gods for the Nile, the sun, the afterlife, and even for chaos and disorder. The Egyptians believed wholeheartedly in their gods, and erected tombs, temples, and statues in their favor.
Because of this, there is no Egyptian word for “religion”. The gods were tied to all activities in daily life, and no Egyptian citizen believed that the gods were fallible. While there generally were slight differences with how the gods interacted with the world, most citizens had the same views. There were the chief deities, Horus and Amon-Re, and then there were gods …show more content…

The alphabet is so essential for civilization now, as it allows us to communicate with many, many more people than word of mouth ever could. Word of mouth is fallible, as details can change over time. The Egyptian invention of hieroglyphics, however, have allowed us to understand one of the earliest civilizations ever to have existed. 6. SUCCESS AND FAILURE OF CIVILIZATIONS AND WHY DID EGYPT LAST SO LONG
a. Why did some ancient civilizations succeed, last, and others fail?
b. Then, solve this MYSTERY - Why did Egypt last 3000 years? Analyze carefully and fully.
c. Finally, why didn't it last longer! How often do civilizations last 3,000 years? Historically, not very often, and there are many factors that contribute to this. A civilization is a delicate thing, as it must be organized, wealthy, easily defendable, and most importantly, unified under government or otherwise. Ancient Egypt had all three of these, and some civilizations that didn’t, collapsed.
Organization in any group of people is very important, be it a group at school, a family, or a population. Land, labor, and wealth must be allocated well, so as not to create dissent in the populace. But one must be able to create wealth. Labor needs to be allocated to create wealth for the state, through trade or otherwise. With wealth, a governing body can create projects that will benefit its citizens.
However, trade is not the only way a civilization can

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