
Ancient Greek Culture Essay

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The planet in which we live, Earth, has existed for an estimated 4.5 billion years and humans have only inhabited it for 200,000 years. It is safe to say that Earth has seen many historical civilizations and organisms come and go or in other cases thrive, such as Greece. Despite previously being made up of many independent city-states, Greek citizens realized that their shared culture indeed united them. Ancient Greece was not nearly as united in the sense of community as it is today, but their way of thinking, ideas, and people have not only linked what was once small city-states but also paved the way for many Western regularities. Greek principles are still very much present in Western civilizations through their leading philosophies, a government ahead of its time, and their knowledge …show more content…

Aristotle mentions that the soul is responsible for all the vital functions our body needs to survive. He disregards Plato’s idea on the soul being the realm of reason and goes to say the soul is the thought part of oneself; he believes the body and the soul act together. He did not address if the soul was immortal but one could infer he does not as he also believed the soul is the form of the body; if the body dies, so does the soul. In our culture, some people agree with Plato and believe in reincarnation after death which relates to Plato's theory of living as a different organism after human death. Today the soul is not discussed frequently in the media as it is more associated with religion but mentioned verbally and briefly in pop culture. The Catholic religion follows some agreements with Plato and Aristotle. The Catholic Church believes that the soul shapes a human being as a person (gives life) as does Aristotle, but agrees with Plato in the sense that the human soul is immortal as that is the part that goes to heaven (Grace Communion International). The debate on whether we have a soul or not is still purely a

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