
Ancient Rome Dbq

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Throughout history many civilizations and empires have been considered great. The greatest empire ever was Ancient Rome. Starting in 509 B.C.E and lasting until 476 C.E (Ancient Rome and the Rise of Christianity, 1000 BCE–500 CE,). Ancient Rome started off as a small town on central Italy’s Tiber river and ended up expanding all the way to most Europe, Britain, much of western Asia, Northern Africa and the Mediterranean islands (Ancient Rome). Ancient Rome helped spread many languages, the western alphabet, the modern calendar and the religion of christianity all around the globe (Ancient Rome). They are the most powerful and dominating empire throughout history. Ancient Rome was the greatest empire throughout history.

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When Pompey returned to Rome he formed an alliance with Julius Caesar known as the first triumvirate (Ancient Rome and the Rise of Christianity, 1000 BCE–500 CE,). He received three wealthy provinces in Gaul in 58 B.C.E (Ancient Rome). He then went out and attempted to gain control of the rest of the region for Rome. We all know that he successfully did that because of how far the Roman empire spread and how big it was. He declared himself dictator for life. After Pompey’s wife Julia who was Caesar's daughter died in 54 B.C. and Crassus was killed in battle against Parthia the following year, the triumvirate was broken (Ancient Rome). He died after being stabbed by his political rivals (Ancient Rome). Julius is remembered as one of the greatest military minds in history and he created the foundation for the Roman Empire. Another great leader was Augustus, he was a very important Roman emperor. Augustus led the change from a republic to a empire right after Julius Caesar (Anderson 47). He contributed by creating a strong military, created important architecture and created laws. He also laid the foundations of the Pax Romana which was Roman Peace that lasted for 200 years (Anderson 47). These two dictators and emperors are the ones who turned Rome into what it was. These guys set everything up and the other leaders

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