
Anemi A Rare Genetic Disorder

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NGLY1 deficiency is a rare genetic disorder that was first discovered in 2012 and has been diagnosed in less than 100 individuals worldwide. This disease is caused by a lack of the enzyme N-glycanase 1, which helps break down defective proteins, explained by Clement Y. Chow, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Human Genetics at the University of Utah. People with this disease tend to experience global developmental delays, seizures, difficulty with movement, problems with liver function, and the difficulty to produce tears. The symptoms of this disease can vary since not all the information has been gathered about NGLY1 deficiency.
The first thing geneticists look for when searching for the cause of mysterious mutation is knowing the DNA mutations sequence.
The first case to appear was in a four-year-old boy named Bertrand Might 's. With this specific condition he was born with NGLY1 deficiency causing him certain symptoms of the disease. Symptoms include but are not limited to; hollow and unfocused eyes, lack of tears, and refusing to eat. Doctors at the hospital ran multiple tests, but couldn 't come up with a diagnosis. Thanks to the 2003 Human Genome Project, which identified new genetic mutations allowing research to become easier. Geneticists often struggle to find patients who share these rare DNA sequences since doctors have not been able to find a large amount of patients with this specific disorder. When scientists looked at a person’s genes they tend to

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