
Anesthesia Patients Observation

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As some residents would be starting their four weeks Comer OR rotation for the first time at the beginning of the month, Please remind the new anesthesia Residents to return only narcotics to the after-hour box and to leave other medications in the anesthesia workroom or on their carts. Unit inspection starts on the first of the month, if possible during a downtime try and inspect the satellite for expired medications. The COR RX refrigerator is still out for repairs. Expired or expiring syringes: Phenylephrine 5/29 Lidocaine 5/30 With morphine 10mg/10ml on back order, we have switched to using morphine 2mg/ml. please save the leftover morphine 10mg / 10 ml for refilling the Omnicell for after-hours uses ( we currently

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