
Anglo Saxon Culture In Beowulf Essay

Decent Essays

"Beowulf is a very interesting character, and the most known literature from Anglo-Saxon culture." Reading the story/poem of Beowulf you notice how it displays the main aspects of the Anglo-Saxon Culture. "Aspects like friendship,bravery, and generosity are portrayed in this cultures everyday lifestyle as it would have been long ago. (Breeden, David, Michael Delahoyde, and Burton Raffel. "Beowulf-reflecting Anglo-Saxon Culture." Hub Pages. N.p., 4 Jan. 2012. Web. 25 Apr. 2016.) Ironically, there was also a few comitatus relationships throughout the reading of Beowulf. A few relationships being the binding of Hrothgar and his men, Danes Beowulf and Grendel, and also Beowulf and his Geats. In Anglo-Saxon culture, they dearly valued loyalty as we would consider food a staple. …show more content…

Hrothgar and his men. In Anglo-Saxon stories, and very apparantly so in Beowulf, the relationship between the ruler and his thanes is known as comitatus. Which means that as long as the thanes give their loyalty and protection to the king, he will shelter them with wealth and honor. The bonds that the thanes and their lord would share is that of a family orientation. In Anglo-Saxon culture, coherently, they despised anyone who went against their family almost as if it was the biggest sin to man. "In Beowulf, the lord Hrothgar asks Beowulf for help in the form a plea." what does Beowulf do? He goes over there on a ship full of men to protect his lord from Grendel. As any loyal thane was expected to do back then. "Seeing also that Grendel was a generation that derived from Cain, he was especially dangerous to the family-centered community." In return for Beowulf slaying Grendel, not only does Hrothgar shower him in forms of treasure in honor, but he gives him a full and complete trust that only family have." ( Nash, Damian. "Damians Beowulf." Damians Beowulf. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr. 2016.

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