
Anglo Saxon Loyalty In Beowulf

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When people think of America, they visualize democracy and majority vote. This is thanks to the British. Even though the United States rebelled against them in 1776, our whole government is based on a political system that was created by British rule, “for the people, by the people”. Also, the way we talk and our language comes from British literature and the English language. The Anglo- Saxons were the first to speak old English language, so when it all boils down to it, our culture and government all started by the Anglo Saxons. Their culture, religion, and understandings are explained through their literature. One example of this is Beowulf. Through Beowulf, the Anglo Saxons displayed their culture of loyalty, religion, and physical violence. …show more content…

In “Elements of Literature” it says, “Fame and success, even survival, were gained only through loyalty to the leader” which shows that in order to have a decent life as an Anglo Saxon, you must show loyalty to others in your tribe. They also relied on one another to create security since they lived in clusters and show the relationships between leaders. In Beowulf, Wiglaf was the only Geat who decided to stay and help Beowulf kill the dragon while all the other men hid for their lives. Wiglaf was loyal to Beowulf and in the end of the poem it says “Then the king in his great… unclasped the collar of gold from his neck and gave it to the young thane”. Beowulf is giving his valued belongings to Wiglaf in thanks for staying with him before Beowulf dies. As in Anglo Saxon culture, the Kings would have done the same thing because those who were loyal to the kings, they gained fame and

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