Animal Abuse and Neglect and How to Stop It Each year, millions of animals die from animal abuse and neglect. Animal abuse includes torture, beating, mutilation, poisoning, shooting, as well as confinement. Animal neglect consist of failing to provide access to food, water, shelter, and sanitary conditions. Along with insufficient shelter from harmful elements, such as cold, heat, rain, and snow lack of, also improper medical care and treatment (Gale). Animal abuse and neglect is becoming a big problem today. Convictions for animal cruelty is rising every year. Animals are also not able to be put in shelters due to the over crowdedness. Since they are not able to have shelter, animals go back to their current circumstances and turn into hasty, …show more content…
The same number of states now authorizes veterinarians to report suspected animal abuse. States have grown increasingly intolerant of animal abuse over the years. Two decades ago, just six states had felony level animal cruelty laws. Now all the states in America, except four states, do have laws against animal abuse and neglect (Ian Urbina).
When more strict laws are enforced with higher penalties and fees, therefor people will feel less empowered to commit the act of abusing animals. Paul Hoffman even mentions in his letter that law enforcement does make a difference in the lives of those who can’t speak for themselves (Paul
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2011, p. 8. Global Issues in Context, Accessed 2 Mar. 2017.
"SENATE PASSES COMPREHENSIVE ANIMAL ABUSE PREVENTION MEASURE." States News Service, 24 Oct. 2016. Biography in Context, Accessed 9 Mar. 2017.
Urbina, Ian. "Animal Abuse as Clue To Additional Cruelties." New York Times, 18 Mar. 2010, p. A16(L). The New York Times, Accessed 9 Mar. 2017.
Watson-Smyth, Kate. "Big rise in cases of animal abuse and neglect." Independent [London, England], 29 Apr. 1998, p. 7. Global Issues in Context, Accessed 2 Mar.
The article claims that some sort of registry needs to be established. For instance, an abuser could ignore their restrictions after jail time, go to another state, and easily obtain more animals, since shelters have no notice of their past abuse. Also, abusing animals can be linked to many other crimes, such as crimes involving violence, drugs, and property, domestic violence, sex offenses, or even murder. For example, they discussed how after an investigation, serial killer, Jeffrey Dahmer, was found guilty of abusing animals, which led up to his vicious acts against humans.
Every 60 seconds an animal is abused. Dogs, cats, horses, and many other types of animals are being neglected and tortured everyday, yet resulting in few and minor consequences for the perpetrators. Animal abuse is prevalent in the United States and has been an ongoing issue since the 1970's, and prior to. Society as a whole has chosen to avoid the facts and arguments about animal cruelty, because to some it is seen as acceptable and typical. It becomes much more frowned upon when people actually see the results of the cruelty, especially in the media.
Animals are beaten and abused on a daily basis due to barbaric individuals. Whether it be from harmful intentions or pure negligence most cases go unreported. “Deliberate cruelty may involve beating, shooting, stabbing animals, or setting them on fire. Neglect is not giving a necessary food, water, shelter, or vet care” (Human Society). The lack of attention and care for these animals can often lead to severe, and sometimes irrevocable damage. The Animal Legal Defense Fund, ALDF for short, website tells of one story where neighbors of a farm complained to the local humane society, “that the Colliers were neglecting many animals on their farm, including dogs and horses. When they went to their property to investigate, they discovered dogs and horses in several states of neglect and starvation and seized them out of concern for their immediate health”(ALDF). Sadly, however, it can become much worse for animals. Owners will sometimes purposefully abuse their animals. Unfortunately, occurrences like these are hardly uncommon. One such example, from the RSPCA of England, the Royal
Many people may not know that animal cruelty has been around for hundreds of years. . In the article "Animal Cruelty Prosecution" published by American Prosecution Research Institute found that, The Puritans of the Massachusetts Bay Colony established “The Body of Liberties” found by the Animal Cruelty Prosecution, in 1641. The Body of Liberties was a document written for the protection of animals from unnecessary pain and suffering. Animal cruelty happens every day whether it is from starving, beating, lack of medical care or proper housing for animals. We are in need of stricter laws to help fight the rights of animals. Animal laws should be more strict on people
Countless lives locked away in cages and forgotten about have overwhelmed our society, it has left blood stains on our history as a species and if history has taught us anything, it’s that we have a choice to change our ways of adjusting to situations. A war which was fought in pursuit of ending such criminal means, yet we as human beings do little to nothing to end the horrific crimes of animal deaths in shelters. It is no secret that this world has become infused with problems that have extended from one side of the globe to the other. Amongst these problems lies a terrible truth: nearly every year, sums of almost eight million cats and dogs have been placed in shelters around the world. Out of these vast numbers, half will be
Over the centuries, animals have suffered from cruelty from humans. In the United States, animals are beaten, neglected, or forced to struggle for survival. Animals have been inflicted with pain from humans for reasons other than self-defense. They have been slaughtered for their food and fur for personal gain in profit. In a majority of cases they have even been abused for someone’s own personal amusement or out of rage filled impulses. In some cases animals are found and rescued. They are given the second chance in life to experience what life should be like compared to what they once had.
What is animal abuse? For starters, animal abuse is when a person inflicts suffering or harm on any animal. Most people, all over the world own an animal; but there are still far more animals left out on the street. Homeless animals are either left out on the streets or are “thrown” into shelters. This became a problem because not all animals are domesticated. Animal shelters began as pounds. “When the system began to be used to impound wandering dogs and cats, these animals were often killed because little monetary value was placed on them” (Lila Miller, Animal sheltering in the United States: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow, 1) . This issue persists because shelter workers and others truly believe that an animal life has no value, but that is not true; animals are living beings just like humans with brains, hearts, and bones. A reported case was that “authorities had seized 23 puppies, 11 cats, and four adult dogs from a self-processed animal “rescue” after they were found in the “rescuer’s” filthy home.” (‘No-Kill’ Label Slowly Killing Animals, 3). This means that an unauthorized person hoarded many animals and forced the animals into an unsafe “shelter”. The shelter being a dirty home.
There are many different things that fall under the category of “cruelty”, neglect and abuse being the two main subcategories. The most common type of animal abuse involves dogs, Pit-bulls in particular. In 2007, of 1800 media-reported cases of animal cruelty, 64% (1,126) involved dogs, 18% (337) involved cats, and 18% (337) involved other animals. Some of the most common places where animal abuse occur are, in no particular order: fur farms, dog fights, laboratories, races (both Greyhound and horse), slaughterhouses, and puppy mills. Some less thought of forms of animal abuse are crush videos, traditional Chinese medicine, the cat/dog meat trade in Asia, the ivory trade, trophy hunting, and even shock collars. Abandonment is the leading form of animal cruelty. (See illustration.)
Children who live in homes where animal abuse is present are often abused themselves and unfortunately, sometimes carry on with the cycle of abuse later on in life. “More than 80 percent of family members being treated for child abuse also had abused animals. In one-third of the cases, a child victim continued the cycle of violence by abusing a pet (“The animal abuse home violence connection”, 2013).”
Introduction: I remembered how throughout my life I respected and admired people that tried to help animals in need. I remembered how I felt when I saw first-hand the result of abuse. I remembered how I wanted to help those poor animals that were being treated so cruelly. And for all that I remembered, I decided that the Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) was the interest group I felt strongly for and chose to research.
Animal abuse is defined as either the physical mistreatment of an animal or neglect where the animal is denied basic necessities of care. The mistreatment of animals is a serious issue within society. It often goes unreported because many people believe it is only abuse if it is intentional. This lack of understanding allows minor cases of neglect to progress into major cases that can end in the death of the animals involved. Animal abuse needs a better definition due to the results of neglect, psychological issues, and ethical components.
In Encyclopedia of animal rights and animal welfare (2nd ed., Vol. 2, pp. 449-468). Santa Barbara, Calif.: Greenwood Press.
Each year, the most extreme cases of animal abuse receive media attention. Yet, the animal cruelty problem is more widespread than is reported in the media. Animal abuse and neglect is a nationwide issue, affecting thousands of animals nationwide. Cruelty to animals is defined as the infliction of physical pain, suffering or death on an animal, beyond what is necessary. There is a need to stop abusers from acting in such a horrific manner–preventing the neglect and suffering of the animals. What causes animal abusers to act in such a cruel way towards animals? How are cases of animal abuse being managed, and how should cases be handled? Finally, does the status of animals in society contribute to the rate of their abuse?
Recently, there have been many animals that have been abused. A dog named Caitlyn was sold to a man because her owners did not want to be evicted for her harmful behavior (2015, June 03). She was sold to William Leonard Dodson, 3 years ago. She was returned to her previous owner the next day, but her muzzle was taped shut with electrical tape because she wouldn’t stop barking. Her owner was mad & said “Don't let me find you. That's all I can say, don't let me find you because that's part of my family you just did some foul things to”. The previous owners also said that Dodson had been laughing when he taped up the dog. Unfortunately, Caitlyn lost ¼ of her tongue, but that was less than the doctors expected. This was in 2015, so a more recent
Animal Cruelty is a problem that many ignore. People are oblivious to these animals and the negligence their owners show. Animal cruelty is an underlying problem in today’s society, and the only way to counteract these problems, is for this generation to do something about it.