
Animal Assisted Therapy: A Case Study

Decent Essays

As previously discussed dogs have long since been the faithful companions of humans, so it’s not hard to imagine that they would make the ideal support animals. Today it’s not uncommon to see a dog participating in a wide variety of practical applications, from security, to bomb detection (discussed in the next section). But what’s also very interesting about dogs is that they have the emotional capacity to assist in mental treatment. This section will discuss the the involvement with dogs in the realm of psychology and disability assistance. We’ll be looking at the human-canine relationship in therapeutic sessions, supporting evidence of the psychological benefits of dogs to humans, and supporting roles of dogs for the physically disabled. …show more content…

While interacting with the residents of the psychiatric ward, she saw that residents of a psychiatric ward responded quite well to small animals visiting the ward. She saw that there was a decrease in their levels of stress in both the children and the adults in the facility. She made notes of this and began to consider this as a means of treatment for the psychiatric patients. The same article that discusses the genesis of AAT also talks about Sigmund Freud’s contribution to the practice with his own personal dog. He used his dog as a “tension level tester.” The dog would be closer to people whose tension levels were low, then the dog would go to the other side of the room if the tension levels were off putting to the dog. His practice with his dog would go unnoticed for two decades after his death. Today assistance dogs are used in mental institutions, prisons, nursing homes, schools, and they are used even domestically. An example of a dog therapy being used to today in public would be UC Davis’ very own therapy fluffies. These dogs are brought to the campus from the Yolo County SPCA, and independant therapy dog groups from different areas in California to go throughout the campus to bring animal based relief to the students. Owning and working with a dog has been shown to have all sorts of physical …show more content…

Oxytocin is nicknamed the love hormone. This is the hormone that creates the bond between a human and another living thing. It’s been shown that engaging with a dog in through the action of petting them, playing with them, receiving doggy kisses, etc. will trigger a release of this hormone into our systems. This hormone has been proven to ward of depression, anxiety, and stress. What’s even more interesting about this hormone is its psychotherapeutic benefits. According to an article in medical news today, oxytocin has been shown to help improve the symptoms of those who suffer with autism, social phobia, and postpartum depression as a short list of examples. Something unique about the release of oxytocin within the interaction between the humans and dogs, is that this most commonly happens between specifically humans and dogs. As an example to further define what that means, is that in a study that observed this release of oxytocin in humans and dogs stated that when a human looked into a dog’s eyes, there was a 300% increase in oxytocin in humans, and a 150% increase in oxytocin in dogs, however when a human looked into the eyes of a close relative of the dog, the wolf, there was no change in oxytocin levels, in fact there was an increase in the stress levels of both the human and wolves. Dogs non-judgmental and

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