
Finding The Way With Service Animals Essay

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Finding the Way with Service Animals
Johnny had never smiled in his entire four years of life, until July, 2015. He received a life changing gift, a service dog trained as a companion to children with autism. His family had researched and tried many ways to help him have an easier and more interactive life but to no avail until he got his service dog. Improving life emotionally, physically and/or socially is the overall goal of people and/or families with service animals.
There has been a long history with animals and their natural bonds with humans for many decades now. Dogs have helped people with a multitude of illnesses for some time now, however Americans were not the first to discover this natural trait in animals. The Germans during World War 1 were the first to discover this. In the book, History of Guide Dog Use by Veterans it states that the German army in particular “relied heavily on the use of German shepherds as ambulance and messenger dogs. The Germans reportedly used more than 25,000 dogs during World War I. ' these dogs were ideally suited for this type of work, with ell-known traits such as trainability, loyalty, intelligence, strength, and endurance” (Ostermeier 587). In today 's society, we have numerous people who are unaware of the services that animals can provide for humans. Specifically humans with mental or physical disabilities. In this paper I will present various types of service animals as well as the many services they provide.


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