
American Revolution And Animal Farm Essay

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Animal Farm and Brinton’s Anatomy In Animal by George Orwell unrest lies among the animals of Manor Farm. An uprising is sparked by an elder pig, Old Major and carried out by the other animals after he is gone. This uprising follows the beginning patterns of Brinton’s anatomy of a Revolution but seems to freeze before it can complete the entire cycle. The Animal Farm revolution starts with an old order and crisis, followed by dissatisfaction of the near elites, and a moderate regime is established and tends to stay in power while this regime suppresses the reign of terror, so a Thermidorian reaction never can take place. The old order and crisis is the first stage. The old order is Mr. Jones- the owner of Manor Farm. Like kings in …show more content…

“The work of teaching and organizing the others fell naturally upon the pigs, who were generally recognized as being the cleverest of the animals,” (page 15). Apparently, the pigs are considered the smartest, and therefore fall into place as the near elites. Three pigs, Snowball, Napoleon, and Squealer, take charge as the main leaders of the group and rally the animals together. Throughout history, the near elite group gathers allies to back them up for a moderate change to the current situation. These three members of the near elite group teach the other animals a collected number of teachings they gathered from Old Major and create Animalism and the Seven Commandments that rule this new idea. These Seven Commandments act like a promise to the lower animals as to what they should expect in the near future if everyone follows these rules. The biggest point made clear in the commandments is that all animals are equal, since the main concern was the unequal relationship between man and animal. The pigs (mostly Napoleon), begin a moderate regime. From the beginning of this regime, small changes were made, and were disguised as what the animals wanted. For example, cows were and milked and the milk was collected, but when asked what would be done with it, the subject was quickly averted and focused on what else could be done, like harvesting hay (page 26). At first, “the animals were happy as they ever conceived it possible to be. Every mouthful of food was an acute

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