
Animal Farm By George Orwell: Russian Revolutionary War

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Animal Farm Essay
Animal farm is a book authored by George Orwell and it is based on the Russian revolutionary war. The book allegorizes Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx as Old major, the rebellion as the animals, Russia as Manor farm, Czar Nicholas II as Mr. Jones, The Tsar as Men, Leon Trotsky as Snowball, Josef Stalin as Napoleon, Vyacheslav Molotov as Squealer, Communism as Animalism, The Russian orthodox as Moses, The bourgeoisie as Mollie and Heaven as Sugar Candy Mountain.
The farm was owned by Mr. Jones who symbolizes Czar Nicholas II, Mr. Jones had absolute power because he owned the farm and he was a human, he had once been a good farmer, but was changed in an aftermath of a lawsuit and became an alcoholic. This made the animals angry …show more content…

Snowball also wrote the first version of the seven commandments with old major before he died, they are later changed by squealer under the orders of Napoleon. For example, first the commandment said "No animal shall drink alcohol" it was changed to "No animal shall drink alcohol to excess" and is later changed with the other commandments as "all animals are Equal" to "all animals are equal, but some animals are more equals than others" and the rule that says "No animal shall sleep in a bed" is changed to "No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets". Snowball is later chased out of the farm when Napoleon uses the guard dogs that he trained to attack snowball. After snowball left, he is blamed by Napoleon for problems on the farm, and Napoleon told the animals that he had been working with Mr. Jones from the start and those who were accused of supporting him are executed after being forced to

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