
Animal Farm Essay

Decent Essays

The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines a revolution as “the overthrow or reunification of one government or ruler and the substitution of another by the government.” The novel Animal Farm written by George Orwell is of the animal fairy genre, and describes a revolution in which animals revolt against humans. In 1979, the Iranian Revolution took place, turning the Iranian government upside down. Both of these events, one fictional and one reality, will soon appear to be quite similar. This essay will demonstrate some of the similarities between animals from the novel Animal Farm and key players in the Iranian Revolution of 1979. At the beginning of the novel, the reader learns of the meager care that is administered to the animals by Jones, …show more content…

Napoleon was able to accomplish such an act by using some of the animals, specifically a pig named Squealer and some sheep, to essentially brainwash the other animals into believing him. The brainwashing went so deep that a horse named Boxer took on the saying “if Comrade Napoleon says it, then it must be right.” If ever an event took place that the animals felt uneasy about, Squealer would make the rounds and assure everyone that everything was all right. He would convince the animals that they had misinterpreted the commandments and that Napoleon had their best interest at heart. When any animal would attempt to say anything contrary to Napoleon, on Squealer’s command a pack of sheep would begin bleating “four legs good, two legs bad” over and over again until it was forgotten what was wanted to be said. Similarly, Khomeini robbed citizens of their free speech by creating a mass movement of young people called the Basij Mostazafan, who were charged with spreading his mission. At a school in August of 1979, Khomeini said “those who are trying to bring corruption and destruction to our country in the name of democracy will be oppressed. They are worse than Bani-Ghorizeh Jews, and they must be hanged.” As a result of Khomeini’s official death sentence upon those who

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