
Animal Farm Research Paper

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Animal Farm William Arthur Ward, an American inspirational writer once said, “The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sail” (“BrainyQuote”). A pessimist tends to doubt everything and is viewed as a negative person. On the other hand, an optimist, always hopes for a positive outcome. Lastly, a realist demonstrates a practical outlook throughout his/her life and lives in the moment. Orwell utilizes a variety of characters in the novella to portray idealists and realists in the twentieth century. The main setting of the story takes place on a farm representing the Soviet Union during the Russian Revolution. The characters are used to personify leaders and social classes during communist …show more content…

When the animals successfully rebel against the humans, all of them are shocked except the donkey. Benjamin is completely apathetic and suspicious towards the revolution and the new Manor Farm. In Animal Farm, Orwell acknowledges Benjamin's indifference when he says, “Old Benjamin, the donkey, seemed quite unchanged since the Rebellion. He did his work in the same slow obstinate way as he had done it in Jones’s time” (Animal Farm Orwell 47). Similarly, George Orwell was pessimistic towards politics and the future of society. Bluntly, Orwell underlines this subject in 1984 by stating, “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – for ever” ( 1984 Orwell 337). In addition to Benjamin’s parallel with Orwell on his cynical views, both stopped living as bystanders at a certain point in their lives. Inactively, in Chapter eight, Benjamin watched the humans carry out their plan and blow up the windmill. Orwell illustrates this scene by describing that “Benjamin was watching the movements of the men intently. The two with the hammer and the crowbar were drilling a hole near the base of the windmill” (Animal Farm Orwell 107). However in Chapter nine, for the first time, Benjamin takes action and dashes towards the rest of the animals when he sees a van “taking Boxer to the knacker’s” (Animal Farm Orwell 123). As all the animals wave farewell to Boxer,

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