
Animals Observed Book Summary

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A Painter’s growing Passion Animals are enticing, they seem to have a remarkable grace, ferocity, or stature that catches the eye of artists everywhere, even novelists and authors take a liking to them. The book, “Animals Observed, A look at animals in art” by DORCAS MacCLINTOCK, (Latest copyright date- 1993 by Dorcas MacClintock) is about animals, I learned many important things from reading this book, this book has influenced the way that I feel about animals, and I would recommend this book, to animal lovers as well as, admirers of ancient and impressionism artworks. First of all, I found that this book is about animals, hence the title. It’s told from the perspective of an author and former animal lover, DORCAS MacCLINTOCK. This author goes throughout the course of the book, explaining artworks he photographed for this purpose. The author of the book, DORCAS writes, “My pursuit of animals in …show more content…

This book is filled from cover to cover, of useful information, stories, and close connections between animal and human throughout history. There are interesting stories hidden deep within the pages of this book, many of which express emotion between animals and people, in this case, the models and the artists. The author writes, “Sir Harry Johnston, a British explorer and colonial official… Johnston's quest to see the elusive ‘horse like, two-toed, striped animal’ that the Pygmies said lived deep in the Congo forest was unsuccessful. However, he was sent a skin and two skulls ” (MacCLINTOCK 22). Johnston used the skulls and skin, to draw the animal. Adding in his own features of what he thought the animal looked like based on the items. This relationship is shown through both the writing and the images the striking dark colors and stripping on the flanks of the Okapi showed the ‘elusiveness’ almost ‘mythical’ association, Jonathan had with the

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