
Anne Bradstreet Essay

Decent Essays

Edward Taylor was not the only emotionally and spiritually struggling poet living in a grueling society, Anne Bradstreet did as well. “In Memory of My Dear Grandchild Elizabeth Bradstreet, Who Deceased August, 1665, Being a Year and a Half Old”, her first of three dead grandchildren poem, she uses literary devices such as anaphoric repetition, iambic pentameter, and iambic hexameter. Bradstreet uses anaphoric repetition in the first stanza, lines one through lines 3, when repeating “farewell”, thus showing her reluctance to say goodbye to her beloved grandchild, Elizabeth. Bradstreet intentionally uses iambic pentameter to mimic and heartbeat, showing the heartfelt and heartbreaking nature of her loss. She uses iambic hexameter to break the rhythm of the heartbeat she has built into her poetry, giving way to the traumatic and heartbreaking loss. …show more content…

For example, she uses words such as “terminate”, “ta’en awan”, and, “eradicate”, in poem one. In poem two, harsh and detached diction is used, such as, “thou ne’er shalt come to me”, “bubble, or the brittle glass”, and “impermeant’ is used to convey the deep discontent found in the face of loss in a puritan society. As for Bradstreet’s occupation she stayed home and tended the farm and other wifely duties that were expected of the time. Thus leading to a stronger emotional connection to her grandchildren, further fueling the emotional turmoil inflicted upon her by the deaths. As for spiritual hardships, Bradstreet had plenty of puritan shortcomings and frowned upon views of god in this strict society, expressed in her poetry. In the “dead grandchildren” poems, she becomes increasingly angry towards

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