
Anne Frank During The Holocaust: Anne Frank

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During the Holocaust, six million Jews were persecuted, and even more were oppressed by the Nazis. Throughout all of this suffering, Anne Frank still stood by her ideals she talked about and saw, such as hope, selflessness, and family. Anne had hope that she would soon return to a classroom someday, after the war is over. She also talked about selflessness, because of the people who risked their lives to keep her safe. Family also affected her because she had many people around her who acted like family, even if they were not consanguine. Throughout all these years, Anne still believed in these standards, even the toughest of times. Although Anne was being oppressed, she still had hope for a better life in the future. She had her hopes “pinned …show more content…

As an adolescent, Anne believed that she never had a traditional mother. “Mummy herself has told us that she looked upon us more as her friends than her daughters. Now that is all very fine, but still, a friend can’t take a mother’s place. I need my mother as an example which I can follow, I want to be able to respect her” (Frank 1/5/15). Because of her mother’s poor parenting skills, Anne wrote about what she would do when she would someday become a mother. “In spite of all my theories, and however much trouble I take, I miss having a real mother who understands me. That is why with everything I do and write I think of the ‘Mumsie’ that I want to be for my children later on. The ‘Mumsie’ who doesn’t take everything in general conversation so seriously, but who does take what I say seriously” (Frank 12/24/15). Although her mother is not the best, she has the Van Daans who can also be classified as poor relatives, even though they are not consanguine. “Mrs. Van Daan is unbearable. I get nothing but ‘blowups’ from her for my continuous chatter she is always pestering us in one way or another. ” (Frank 9/21/42). Like every other family, the relationship between the members of the Annexe can be healthy or dysfunctional at

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