
Anne Frank: Why People Are Really Good At Heart

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Anne Frank was a German girl who lived during the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a time during WWII when the Germans were taking all the Jews away to camps. Anne was Jewish, so she and her family and some family friends went into hiding for two years. During this time, she kept a diary. In this diary, she says “In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart.” I, personally, would have to disagree with this quote. This is based on Mr. Van Daan’s actions. He was so selfish, mean, and rude. However, there are two sides to every story. Some may believe Anne shows good-heartedness, yet just because she was kind doesn’t mean everyone is. The sad truth is that many are cruel, and selfish, and greedy. Though I saw many acts of greed throughout the play, and the world in general, what really showed me why I should disagree was when Mr . Van Daan was caught stealing bread from the children. The scene went as follows: Narrator: ...He cautiously opens the cupboard and takes out a loaf of bread. ……. Mrs. Frank: And you come in the night and steal food that should go to them, to the children! …show more content…

Van Daan has finally been caught stealing food after Lord-knows-how-many times. Mrs. Frank, who is normally very kind, is outraged at this. At this, Mrs. Van Daan tries to defend him. Mrs. Frank whirls on her and threatens to kick both of them out. Mr. Van Daan was always selfish and greedy. He and his wife both show the human capacity for greed. They are all starving, even the children, and yet Mr. Van Daan has the nerve to steal, so that he can be comfortable while they are hungry. So many people are like this, saying, “What does it matter if they are in pain, as long as I am comfortable?” All in all, many people are raised to believe this, and this is why I believe that Anne is

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