
Annotated Bibliography Of George Boos

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Annotated Bibliography
Boas, George. “Fact and Legend in the Biography of Plato.” The Philosophical Review, vol. 57, no. 5, 1948, pp. 439–457. JSTOR. Web. 1 November 2017. George Boas’ article include many important dates and facts about Plato early life and how they all contributed to his literature works. According to Boas, Plato had a father name Ariston and his father was dead at the time of Socrates’s trial (440). Plato was born on the first year of 88th Olympiad, on the seventh day of Thargelion. Dated to be on May 22, 427 B.C. (442). His birth place was assumed to be in Aegina, Athens according to Boas only source of findings. Plato was first name Aristocles and later changed to Plato by his gymnastic teacher because of his …show more content…

1, 2000, p. 1. Accessed 1 Nov. 2017. Dougal Blyth’s article provide arguments of Plato’s own aims in writing the Apology that presents the judicial proceedings that led to Socrates’s execution. The author suggests that Socrates’ execution in having the opposite significance to the superficial legal meaning. Even though many writers have asserted the justified irony involves in Socrates’s defense for not telling the truth, the author argue that Plato presents Socrates as committed to making as sincere an attempt at a defense of his case as is consistent with his philosophical commitment to virtue, and so to telling the truth (2). Socrates as mention by the author acknowledge the obligation to defend himself and the difficulty he faces. Socrates is obliged to say that the jurors' prejudice against him. However, Socrates trusts in his daimonion, in the gods, and in his own virtue to assure an eventually good outcome for this he was not bitter and depends upon the fact that he does speak the truth in accordance with justice in order to fulfill his obligation to defend himself. This leads to the raises of the issue of the appropriateness of the legal system and of the jurors to their own allotted roles. Blyth further suggest Plato’s aim of the Apology was more than just presentation of the philosopher, his activity, and its principles. Socrates’s defense case is re-presenting unjust prejudice, since Plato's Apology cannot retrospectively influence the court,

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