
Anorexia Nervosa Personal Statement

Decent Essays

Anorexia nervosa has one of the highest mortality rates of all mental illnesses. Four years ago, an eating disorder almost ended my life. The turning point in my recovery was the access to resources that helped me learn about the utilization of food once it’s consumed.
I am pursuing a master’s degree in Exercise Science with the Sports Nutrition Degree Concentration in hopes of augmenting my study for the Certified Sports Nutrition exam. Ultimately, I would like to be employed at a gym where I work beside personal trainers to help clients live healthy, happy lives. I plan to lead by example in my fitness career. I am a logistics coordinator at a marine survey company and even though I work shift work I maintain a workout schedule and I meal prep every single Sunday. I have integrated fitness into my everyday life and am pursuing a career in exercise science because it is something I am truly passionate about. …show more content…

While I want to help active individuals and athletes excel in their prospective activities, I also plan to provide individuals recovering from eating disorders with the resources needed to have a successful recovery. Many people try to better their lives by improving their diets but their good intentions mixed with erroneous information found on the internet lead them towards binge – restriction pattered eating. I myself found myself believing I needed fewer and fewer calories to survive and almost killed myself in the process of getting

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