
Anthem Argument

Decent Essays

Major media outlets erupted in a firestorm when former NFL San Francisco 49ers Quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, silently protested the injustices and the mistreatment of African Americans in the United States. During a pre-season football game in August 2016, Kaepernick remained seated during the playing of the National Anthem. Many of Kaepernick’s supporters will argue that his actions, and those of other athletes that have since joined him in this protest, are justified and are acceptable, by today's standards. Conversely, those opposing Kaepernick’s actions argue that anyone who chooses to remain seated or to kneel during the National Anthem is a disgrace to the United States and this action should not be tolerated. Consequently, these protests have sparked outrageous controversy and division across the nation and have also been anything but silent.

The National Anthem or “Star Spangled Banner” written by Francis Scott Key during the War of 1812 has always been considered one of the most patriotic songs written and is typically played before sporting events. Traditionally, when played, everyone stands, faces the United States flag and places their right hand over their heart. Colin Kaepernick and the athletes that have chosen to follow this protest, have caused this tradition to change. For most, the Anthem is a very symbolic song that represents the sacrifice of each of the brave men and women that have and are still fighting for our freedom in the Armed Forces.

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