
Anti Missile Anti American Rhetoric

Decent Essays

and the output amount designated by the U.N. as safe. It also calls for unrestricted inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency or IAEA on all of Iran’s nuclear sites, for use and production output. The argument for this potential purchase and the countries defensive anti-American rhetoric could be looked at as a matter of self-defense and nationalist pride. As the P5+1 talks have come to agreement, Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu has openly threatened to conduct airstrikes against Iran if an agreement was reached. These threats by Israel against Iran would in-fact give them plausible reasoning to seek anti-missile technology in the case that they were attacked by Israel. Similarly, the rhetoric as argued by Middle East hmm bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbeye journalist and Director of Communications for the American Iranian Council argues, “Islamic Republic’s leaders must reconcile their revolutionary anti-Americanism with their unprecedented public diplomatic engagement with the US”. This argument is stating that the Supreme ruler Ayatollah Khamenei must continue to use condemning and often threating rhetoric to appease the Iranian people while they negotiate with that same country Even if the purchase of equipment from Russia is realized, there have been concerns that the purchase occurs soon after the P5+1 agreement were reached and

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