
Essay on Anti-Moral Realism

Decent Essays

Socrates was put to death for “not worshipping the gods of the state” and “corrupting the young.2” The more powerful people of Athens disagreed with, and disapproved of Socrates’ beliefs and handed him a jug of poison. Plato believed that good/morality starts from the powerful government and trickles down to the average person. Women’s and civil rights were both products of the support of more powerful people of these causes. Each new Supreme Court reflects the values of the majority of its members, now liberal, now conservative. The “right” view is the view held by those currently in power1.
The most powerful individuals or groups of individuals determine the rights and truths of a society. This sounds a bit discouraging to the powerless …show more content…

Some time ago, I remember there was news of a fifteen-year-old girl gang-raped outside of her homecoming dance. There were some dozen or so onlookers; some took pictures and not a single soul called the police. What makes right here? How much “might” does it take to make a 9-1-1 call?
If a bully were hurting one of the new children in school and no one is acting to defend the new child, is the bully correct? The bully has might, surely, but he/she is never right. This theory justifies and feeds bullying. So, if might does not make right, what does?
If some average person wanted to make a good change in the world, how would he/she do it if everyone went by the motto of “might makes right?” Since, unfortunately, this has become the accepted motto in today’s world, the average person would not dare to think to change anything. He or she just chalks it up to the theory that “might makes right.” He/she assumes that they have no influence and thus they conclude that they cannot possibly change anything. They wave hello to passive citizenship and goodbye to their rights. No one believes in what Gandhi said anymore; dash it, no one even knows. What a man he was! He said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” The first step is to be the example.
What about the 1942 Japanese-American internment? The only wrong those poor Japanese-Americans have committed is that they made the

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