
Anti-Semitism In The Film 'Swing Ties'

Decent Essays

Swing Ties
“I disagree with Muhammad. I’m against hate, anti-semitism and homophobia… This is not a village of hate. It’s a village of hope… Don’t let midgets give us a bad name. There are still giants in Harlem, giants who will stand up for our children”(Al Sharpton). Anti-semitism is hostility to or prejudice against jews. Two films were released in the 1990’s that deal with different issues involving anti-semitism. One titled “Swing Kids”, was set in Nazi Germany and tells the story of a group of teenage resisters who rebel by doing swing dance, but are forced to be involved with the Nazis anyways. The other film is titled “School Ties”. This film is set in the United States, but also deals with issues of anti-semitism. In this film, “Swing …show more content…

Gets in a fight right before he leaves. Beats up a guy who made fun of him because he is Jewish. When arrives to the school he finds out that he has to go to church three times a week. Also finds out that he is the only student who is Jewish and all his friends hate and make fun of them. Eventually they find out that he is Jewish and befriend him and his girl also did not want to be with him just because he is Jewish. They have to take a test and one of the students cheat. The professer tells the group of students that they themselves have to find out who cheated and they had to confess. They all say it’s David who did it. But truly it was Dillon who cheated. They find out it was him and kick him out of the school. “School Ties” has several strengths. One strength of the film is how David the Jewish kid makes friends with non Jewish kids. It shows that Jews are not bad and that you should only hate someone by the way they act not by who they are. The movie has no weakness it is a good movie overall. In conclusion the movie “School Ties” is better because it shows anti-semitism and how David has to hide a secret. Which was him being Jewish and how you can’t hate someone because who they are but what they do. To this day there is still anti-semitism like Donald Trump how he hates the Mexican people and want them to go back to Mexico which they will pay for a border that the US will make. I truly recommend these two movies. To watch them closely and learn what happened and how and why this affected our world

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