
Anti Social Behavior Of Children And Youths

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Anti-Social Behavior in Children and Youths Temitope Ekum Texas Southern University Department of Human Services & Consumer Sciences Introduction to Graduate School in Human Services & Consumer Sciences Doctor Toya Conston November 5, 2015 Introduction The issues that children face as they grow up and the environment they live in strongly influence how they develop as young adults or mature individuals. These factors could either raise a child who emulates values accepted by the social standards or one who deviates from these societal norms. This deviation is what is called antisocial behaviors, and it is widespread all over the world. Mostly, these individuals act without considerations on the consequences their acts have on others (Cornor, 2002). The term antisocial behavior typically refers to the behavior that is against the norm. There are several criteria can be used to judge whether one is portraying an antisocial behavior or not (McAra, & McVie, 2001). These include practices that are injurious to other people but not directly to family members; the behaviors could be recurring and severe if the action points out concerns that the individual might commit offenses that are criminal by law or if the behavior pattern is a widespread social issue that may need legal interventions. Antisocial behavior does not necessarily have to infringe the criminal codes, but some of its displays overlap with trends considered illegal (Bock & Goode, 1996). There has

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