
Anti Social Behaviors On The Internet

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Anti social behaviors on the Internet The word trolling on the online has lots of power, trolling can go from fun to death real fast. It depends how you express your words on the Internet towards someone or someone towards you. The anti social behaviors on the Internet had caused people to suicide, to sexual harassment, for us as a browser on the Internet we are exposed to all these threats. The big social media should have more protection towards these behaviors more seriously. This trolling movement on the internet is how can you see how life has been evolving, same as the past when not the many people was able to go to someone to sexual harass him or her, now days is different because everyone can do such harm to someone, been miles away or you own neighbor via internet in social media. Know in the present era is “cyber bulling”; this is how technology had been evolving, to bad and to good. The word trolling on the internet could be a behavior that need to take care of more, is not a superficial thing for many folks, internet browser, as most of the people in the world could name, in this new modern culture. Where you can chat, meet new people from the entire world, and not be sure if the person you just met, also get in you profile without permission or hacked you. This is what worries most of the Internet browser not been able to have privacy, and a law to protect all the Internet browser. To take more serious this behavior that it have cause numerous murders, and

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