
Anti-Trump Day Analysis

Decent Essays

[Note: Wished I could post this in the morning, 11.9.2016. Letting out in what I felt after the election. But, couldn't. Now, seeing the anti-trump movement live on TV, CNN, seeing trump tower, wanting to be there with the others, I wrote this. Unable to post due to no access to the internet. So, I wait for the morning. Hoping my voice be heard, encouragement, and support be shown. Well, didn't get to a WiFi spot, was busy. It is Veteran Day and the weekend the public library will be close. So, managed to stop by a trusty Starbuck up the street from me-- very happy the holiday chestnut is back :)! I am still work over by Trump winning and I still don't consider him my President. Not yet. Will I in the future depends on him. His inhuman …show more content…

Reason be don't want to be bother with consist backlash posting back. This isn't for them. This is to voice without worrying. This is for those who knows the injustice Trump have done and worry about what he will do with more power. The other reason I am going under a pen name because half my family are hard cord Republicans, Trump Supporters. Have already once posted online, FB, they were extremely upset and bewilder at me. In not wanting to cause a rift in the family, I will stay hidden in name. When I feel a true need to protest greater I will surface. Any donations come my way will be distribute toward helping Anti-Trump Movements and other Anti-Humane …show more content…

Voice against the Trumping in DC and in all form. Protest, rally, against Trump's inhumane acts. Never give up. Fight for jobs. Most of all stay united and protest humanly in all formats, for we can be heard. Maybe then we can create jobs, have a stable health care for all, free higher education, get things done for the people and by the people, feel safe, and most of all be heard. Force them to listen to us the people. Stop their Trumping! Rallying, for no more Trump. Let him be the first electoral president and his vice president impeach before taking office. LET US GO WITH THE POPULIST VOTE! Or not we will always be forced to live where the majorities are unheard. The Populist Rules by The People Voice. Sign a bill letting the USA President be chosen by The Populist Vote. No more Trump. No more with the Electoral Vote. The People Voice, Populist rules, must be heard! Send letters to your Senators, Representatives, Governors, Mayors, and every level of office in government. Protest, be heard in all formats. Keep on rallying until it is done. Keep rallying, do not stop. Once you stop you are forgotten and TRUMP DOWN on us. Let stop the Trumping that is being done!

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