
Antigone: Free Will and Destiny

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Antigone: The Influence of Free Will and Destiny
Throughout Antigone, fate is responsible for many of the most devastating and critical events. The characters Antigone, Creon, Ismene, Haemon, and Tirasias experience many occasions that change their destiny, some events of which were predestined. It is frequently shown that fate and free will are intertwined. Each individual has a destiny, but it can be changed if they use their free will. Sophocle’s message is portrayed throughout the story through the actions of different characters. The individuals predestined fate and willingness to change it creates the series of events. By the choice of their actions, many of the characters in Antigone controlled their destiny, and affected it in …show more content…

Her actions in this case were slightly irrational, but showed her dedication to family. She also shows her family focus when she shows Creon the damage that he would do to his family with his actions. Ismene speaks of how Creon would be robbing his son of a wife and destroying his family (Sophocles, 90). Even during a time of chaos and sadness (after losing her brothers and the arrest of Antigone) Ismene stays with the values she believes in which is respected by many individuals. Each individual in Antigone had a predetermined fate although by the portrayal of his or her free will that fate may be changed. Creon, by displaying appalling acts such as enslaving Antigone despite warnings, showed he had the most free will. Tirasias, as the spokesmen of the gods, warns Creon about the consequences of his actions (Sophocles, 112). By ignoring Tirasias’s cautions, Creon portrays his free will. Creon is confident that through his determination he will be able to rule Thebes and create his own laws. Through these laws, Creon punishes Antigone, after she disobeys his rulings and buries her brother. Antigone reveals her free will by choosing death as her fate and life for her sister Ismene. When Ismene proclaims she will die with Antigone, Antigone refutes it. Antigone says that they should not both die, especially for an act that only she committed and Ismene had no part in (Sophocles, 88). Ultimately, Haemon shows the least free will

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