
Antony And Cleopatra Comparison Analysis

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In Antony and Cleopatra, Shakespeare shifts from praising Antony as a great warrior to condemning him by depicting the gradual decline of his honor and image in order to show his inner battle between reason and emotion. This is an apparent theme in both the book and the play, though there might be some small differences, both shows how this inner battle defeats him and leaves Cleopatra with most of the power. One thing that I noticed is that Cleopatra seemed far more regal in the book than in the play. For example, in the book when Antony wants Scarus to kiss her “favoring hand” (205), he makes it sound like a big honor that he is able to do this. In addition, the way he describes her makes me imagine that it is a regal and important moment. In the play, however she does a little dance after he kisses her hand, which to me seemed like she was acting inappropriately and taking away the importance of the moment. It is almost as if she was undermining what the warrior had done. She made what should have been a serious and honorable moment and turned it into a joke. Even though Antony loves Cleopatra his rational side takes over when he decides to marry Octavia in order to show his loyalty to Rome. He knows that his duty is to Rome and it is where he is supposed to be and the people of Rome are not happy about all of the time he has been spending in Egypt. To fix this and mend their bond Antony agrees to marry Caesar's sister Octavia. This mend is shown when Caesar says that the

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